Aktuelle Region und Sprache

Working in Ireland – What do you need to know?

Quick Facts  

Total Population: 5.1 million people
Capital: Dublin
Currency: Euro
Official Language: English 

Work Permit  

If you are an EU citizen, or a citizen of a country in the EEA (Iceland, Lichtenstein or Norway) or Switzerland, you have certain residency rights in Ireland depending on what you are doing there. You are able to work, either employed or self – employed in Ireland as an EU citizen.  

Most non-EEA nationals must have an employment permit to work in Ireland. Employment permits are processed by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE). Usually, you apply for the employment permit when you have been offered a job. You must get your employment permit before you come to Ireland in most cases. You can apply for the employment permit yourself, or your employer may apply for you. 

There are 8 different types of employment permits, and you can find more about these here 

Taxes in Ireland  

The tax year in Ireland runs from 1 January to 31 December. If you have just moved to Ireland to start work, you will need to apply for a Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) 

As an employee you will pay income tax, related social insurance and universal social charge on your employment income. The standard tax rate is 20% and the higher rate of tax is 40%. You can find out more about the current tax rates in Ireland here 

Healthcare and Health Insurance  

All residents in Ireland are entitled to receive health care through the public health care system, which is funded by general taxation and subsidised fees for service. All maternity services and childcare up to the age of six years are provided free of charge. Emergency care is provided at a cost of €100 for a visit to an Accident and Emergency (A&E) department, if one has not attended a GP first. 

Health insurance is available in Ireland and is used to pay for private medical care. This can be hospital, or from other health professionals. However, you do not have to buy private health insurance in Ireland, if you are an ordinary resident in Ireland, you can access public health services for free or at a reduced cost.  

The main benefits of private health insurance in Ireland are: 

  • Cover for hospital accommodation in a private or shared room 
  • Cover for inpatient consultant services as a private patient 
  • Other cover including maternity, overseas, psychiatric and outpatient benefits 

In some cases, you may have a shorter wait time for an appointment using your private medical insurance. 

Sick Pay in Ireland  

In the past, you had no legal right to be paid while you are on sick leave from work, but this changed in 2022. On 20 July 2022, the Sick Leave Act 2022became law. 

Once commenced, the Statutory Sick Pay scheme will introduce: 

  • Paid sick leave for up to 3 sick days per year. This is planned to increase to 5 days in year 2, 7 days in year 3 and 10 days in year 4. 
  • A rate of payment for statutory sick leave of 70% of normal wages to be paid by employers (up to a maximum €110 per day). 
  • A right for workers to take a complaint to the WRC where they are not provided with a company sick pay scheme. 

To be entitled to paid sick leave under the new scheme, you must be working for your employer for at least 13 weeks. You will also need to be certified by a GP as unfit to work. If you cannot work because you are sick or injured, and you have enough PRSI contributions, you can apply to the Department of Social Protection (DSP) for a payment called Illness Benefit. 

Living in Ireland  

Ireland may be a small country, but it has an enormous amount to offer, including bustling cities, lively people, beautiful landscapes and lots of history. Ireland offers a good quality of life, with plenty of job opportunities and is a great place to move as an expat.  

How People2.0 can help 

If you are an agency, contractor or employer operating in the Irish market, People2.0 can help. Through payrolling, contract management and our legal services, we guarantee that you comply with all specific national and provincial laws and regulations.  

Do you want to know more? Feel free to contact a member of our sales team on +44 (0)2085 800 800 or send an email to info.emea@people20.com. Find out more about our services in Ireland here.  


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